Evaluation Skill
Evaluation Skill
How to know the skill of evaluation?
From start the lecture, Dr. Tan said that there was an argumentation about why Malaysia build the education institution at inland area. Its look like Malaysia are wasting the money to build the area. But, behind this argumentation, actually the government had planned that one day, through science and technology will help the Malaysia's development.
I am agree with the statement that says many educational institute are build at rural area. I was studied at Kolej Komuniti and Politeknik. Now, I am studying at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). All these institute are located at rural area which is Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar (KKPB) is located at Gambang where the place is nearby with Kolej Matrikulasi Gambang. The distance between KKPB with Kuantan town is 22.7 (about half an hour journey). After finished my studies at Kolej Komuniti, I'm futher my studies at Politeknik Muadzam Shah (PMS). This place is more far than Kolej Komuniti to go to Kuantan town. The nearest town that we can go and hang out is Muadzam Shah town. I can remember, when we go to Muadzam Shah town, the store that my friends and I aimed is just "Kedai RM2" to get our basic needs.
I had and experienced working at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) that located in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. This educational institution also located at ends of road. So, don't worry if you are lost, you will find USIM. π
Before I started study at UPSI, I asked my friend, what is the interesting place at Tanjung Malim and my friend said "nothing interesting" π
. And now, I admit what my friend said. Tanjung Malim is far from havoc and busy life.
But, instead of saying and condemn the place, its good for me to learn and being independent. If I study at town, havoc, busy and full of entertainment place, maybe I cant focus on my study. The place is not important as the memory that embedded in my mind and heart. ππ.
Kolej Komuniti Paya Besar
Politeknik Muadzam Shah
Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Back to the topic that Dr. Tan tough us. After we went to the Tanjung Malim town last Sunday to do the assignment 'Unfold the beauty of Tanjung Malim', we have to make a report about the product that chosen.
The report will be written by using Google Docs. The assignment will be submitted on 30 April (week 10). Dr. Tan show us the demonstration how to use google docs that can be accessed by using computer or even mobile phone. Dr Tan said the choice of product review the emotion and when writing the report, carry the knowledge of aesthetic to the rest of life.
Dr Tan also show us the example of good rubrics that should consist of elements of aesthetic that equipped with details characteristics.
Besides of writing the report, Dr. Tan asked to make a video that talk about the product that have chosen during assignment 'Unfold the beauty of Tanjung Malim'. The duration of video is 8 minutes.
During the class, Dr. Tan said university old days is just for wise person and the elite. After World War, lots of people died. Based on this tragedy, Prof. Benjamin Bloom realized that the educational situation should change. So, he divided human into several categories. There are:
1. Knowledge - based on remembering the fact, the knowledge can be easily learn and remember)
2. Comprehension - during the stage of period form 1 to form 6 (school)
3. Application - diploma stage, technical work
4. Analysis - degree stage
5. Synthetis - compile and assemble part that break down into compilation, degree student that can giving mark
6. Evalution - process after doing all of steps (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis), Ph.D stage
Psst... I'm diploma student. So, now I know where stage I am. ππ
ππ*Belanje sikit kenangan zaman kegemilangan masa kolej & politeknik dulu ππ
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