Report Designing
Assignment 1 is name as "Unfold the Beauty of Tanjong Malim". Dr. Tan asked us to make an assignment by going to the Tanjong Malim town and find product that satisfy the characteristics that given to us.
My group members are:
Nur Syazana Bohari - D20161072904
Nurain Shahira Shahron - D20161072921
Nurul Nazatul Shima Ramli - D20161072923
Fatimah Othman - D20161072924
Our group members: From left: Syazana, Fatimah, Shima and Ain.
Before go to the Tg. Malim town, we need to make a rubric. Rubric is a table that consist of element and characteristic that will use to evaluate the product. We make a rubric by referring Dr. Tan lesson and internet. After making a rubric, we went to the consultation session with our lecturer Dr. Tan to know what and where is the mistake about our rubric.
After consult with Dr. Tan, we know that our rubric have mistakes and need to amend. We repair and add some element more to make our rubric more precise.
- By using the amended rubric, we went to Tg. Malim town to find the product. We had voted "Red Oval" characteristic. The product that we found and buy is toy.
- Our products are in oval shape and in its, there has a Superman toy. The toys are folded and can transform into its own shape. There are variety of character that are offered such as Batman, Spiderman, Snoopy, Minion and more. This product is RM 6.00 per one. Its 8cm in height and 250 gram.
After evaluating the product, we need to make a report about assessment and evaluation that made. The report is made by using google docs that consist of our group members. Dr. Tan also invited in this google docs members. The report consist all the information about assignment 1 process.
At last, we need to submit the assignment 1 to Dr. Tan. Hope he will happy and satisfied with our work.

Assignment 1 start with making a rubric that will be a guidance to give mark to the product evaluation. A consultation session held between Dr. Tan and our group members. We went to the Tg. Malim town to find the product that satisfy the characteristics given.
Evaluation and assessment was done to the product.
After giving mark and evaluation, a report is written by using Google Docs to write anything that related to the process that held during the assignment 1.
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