Unfold The Beauty of Tanjong Malim

How to make a Rubric? Dr. Tan asked us to form a group with 4 members. This 4 members will create a rubric that will use to assess and evaluate a product. So, my friends and I have decided to joined and form a group. We are Syazana, Shima, Ain and me (Fatimah) ☺️ Dr. Tan had make a template to make a rubric. Honestly, I am quite blur and confused how to make a rubric. So, my group members and I had surf internet and make a research about this problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRSVXbD4gEs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zrLUM5CWWE Example of rubric Dr Tan said that the rubric that have done will be consulted on Saturday. So, our group have discussed and try to make our own rubric. It's quite challenging for us who are amature in this field. We are confused because there is no product that used as reference. Although we had make many mistakes, but we have learned it. As Dr. Tan said, "learned from the mistake" 😁 T...