Emotional Design


TED Talk about Emotional Design by Don Norman

Don Norman is Cognitive scientist and design critic. He studies how real people interact with design, exploring the gulf between what a designer intends and what a regular person actually wants. His work has resulted in some classic books, including "The Design of Everyday Things."

Don Norman said in his talk that "good design make people happy"

There are three level of affect states

  • Rapid judgement of what is good or bad, safe or dangerous and send appropriate signal to the muscles (the motor system) and alert the rest of the brain.
  • It is the start of affecting processing
  • Biologically determined & can be inhibited or enhanced through control signal from above
  • It use 2 seconds to reflect mind to think to reflect
  • It cannot be resist
  • The site of most human behavior
  • Actions can be enhanced or inhibited by the reflective layer and in turn, it can be enhanced or inhibit the visceral level
  • It use sense to test the function

  • Does not have direct access either to sensory input or to the control of behavior
  • Watches over, reflect upon and tries to bias the behavioral level.

The impact of affect states upon the design process itself
  • Design requires creative thinking followed by the considerable period of concentrated, focused effort.
  • In the first case, creativity, it is good for the designer to be relaxed, in a good mood.
  • We will be creative when we are in happy. If we are in tension, creative work cannot be done.

  • In brainstorming session, it is common to wrap up telling jokes and playing games. No criticisme is allowed because it would raise the level of anxiety among the participants.
  • Good brainstorming and unusual, creative thinking require the relaxed state induced by positive affect.
Dr Tan discuss with us about certain ways to learn a new language in short time. They are:

Learning new language by singing. But this way seem not effective because people can sing but maybe does not understand the meaning of the language of that song. Perhaps they can know the pronunciation but yet still cannot learn the language.

Watching movie
Watching movies can be used as the way to learn new language. But this way seem not effective because people just watch the movie and  its story line. People can understand the language by reading the subtitle given. But  , it still need time to understand  and master the language itself. 

Living in a novel environment
People will learn a new language when they live in the  desperate situation. They have to learn a language because they need to communicate with the people in that new place. So by hook or by crook, learning the new language is the way to survive.

Falling in love
Falling in love can be a way to learn a new language. People will have afford to learn the language to their beloved person. This will help the communication process.

"Put yourself in survival mode"
Don Norman

Let's look at this video and practice our voice :)

Dimash Kudaibergen


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