What is Aesthetics?


Its been a week that I have not post anything in this blog. This happen due to the internet connection problem at my college. So, today, I have a chance to write again in this blog.

I want to start this post with a story about my national anthem, "Negaraku". As long as I know, this anthem was originated from my own country. But then, when Dr Tan played a Mamula Moon song during Design Aesthetics class, I just know that "Negaraku" was composed later than Mamula Moon song. There are certain other song that have resemblance melody.

These are an information about Negaraku, Mamula Moon, and other song that mention before.

  • La Rosalie (Seychelles)

All this information show that copyright do not cross country. No matter what country that create and use the song, we share the value of the song.

Let's get back to the topic of aesthetics. What is Aesthetics?

Based on Oxford Dictionary, aesthetics can be defined as "a principle concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty"

Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten (1753), a German philosopher introduced the term 'Aesthetics'. The Greek word originally means "I perceive, feel, sense"
- We use perception, emotion and five sense of human to value the aesthetics.

Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten Cover

This video shows that we should use 5 sense of human to value the beauty. We can be cheat if using just perception or emotion. The use of 5 sense such as eye to look, ear to hear and others can make the beauty judgment more precise and safe :)

Dr Tan taught us about a conceptual framework of emotional design for games.

There is a book that talk about 3D talking-head written by Dr. Tan Wee Hoe and Dr. 
Ahmad Zamzuri Mohamad Ali

  • The principle of arts are strongly related to daily living and culture, thus to understand the expression of critique, one must describe the way of life.
  • It is necessary to study culture and life in order to understand the rules and meaning of terms and phrases used in arts critique.
What does aesthetics study? Its related to:
  • Beauty
  • The philosophy and theories of arts 
  • The science of aesthetical relationship

So, how would we define aesthetics?
How do we feel about aesthetics?

Lets enjoy this list of 'beautiful' song and see what are the characteristic of beautiful from every people is very subjective :)

Characteristics of beautiful

Aziz Harun - Beautiful

- Tutur dan caramu sesuatu
- Jelita

Chantek - Altimet feat Adeep Fabulous Cats

- Rambut hitam warna coklat anak mata
Pandai menjaga hati ayah dan ibunya (anak mithali)
- Bisa cipta yang gula dari yang cuka (pandai menyelesaikan masalah)
- Pandai menukar yang duka kepada suka (pandai menjaga hati)
- Cekap memasak garam gula secukup rasa (pandai memasak)
- Tetap anggun tanpa mendedahkan kulitnya (menutup aurat)
- Setia pada Yang Esa satu-satunya (beragama)
- Memenuhi tanggungjawab 5 waktunya (beragama)

- Bijak mengatur acara dan juga masa (pandai menguruskan masa)
- Pandai menjaga harta dan juga duitnya (pandai menguruskan kewangan)

Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girls

B.o.B - Nothin' On You [feat. Bruno Mars]


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