Unfold The Beauty of Tanjong Malim
How to make a Rubric?
Dr. Tan asked us to form a group with 4 members. This 4 members will create a rubric that will use to assess and evaluate a product. So, my friends and I have decided to joined and form a group. We are Syazana, Shima, Ain and me (Fatimah)
Dr. Tan had make a template to make a rubric. Honestly, I am quite blur and confused how to make a rubric. So, my group members and I had surf internet and make a research about this problem.
Example of rubric
Dr Tan said that the rubric that have done will be consulted on Saturday. So, our group have discussed and try to make our own rubric. It's quite challenging for us who are amature in this field. We are confused because there is no product that used as reference.
Although we had make many mistakes, but we have learned it. As Dr. Tan said, "learned from the mistake" ๐
The rubric that made will be used to analyze, assess and evaluate the product that will given to us.
On Sunday morning, all advertising and animation student go to Tanjung Malim town. We are excited to know what is the product that we will find. Dr. Tan give us the characteristics of the product that we must find. Our group get "Red Oval" characteristic.
Since we reached the town during morning, the store are still closed. Furthermore, its Sunday. So, many store are closed. ๐
We are milled around Tanjung Malim town to find product that have 'red oval' characteristics. We go to cosmetic store to find the foundation sponge (*that we think red oval), but unfortunately, the store does not have that shape.
Then, we think about a toy that shape like an egg. Its name is Kinder Joy.
When the toy store open, we hastily find the toy. But, the characteristic of Kinder Joy is not fulfill the characteristics that we want. Dr. Tan said if the product have certain pattern of design, make sure the red color will be the main color of the design. So, sadly Kinder Joy is rejected. 
On that store, we find another toy that resemble Kinder Joy and fulfill the requirement of characteristic that we want. So, happily, we buy the product. 
Red Oval product. *Haha
After that, we will evaluate the aesthetic value of the product based on the rubric that we have created before.
We will make a report after this.
*To be continue
Just to show how happy we are 
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