Dr. Tan taught us about What Is Design. Before that, he explained about Etymology. 
So what is Etymology?

Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have changed over time. By extension, the term "the etymology (of a word)" means the origin of the particular word.

After that, Dr Tan explained about What Is Design.

Design is a plan or drawing to show the look and function or working of a building, garment or other object before it is made.
*Plan = something that not ready yet 
*Look & Function = not just look but also must have function of design
*Before = something that not be done yet. Nothing before. Design is about creative and innovative

  • It is a decorative pattern
  • purpose or planning that exist behind an action, fact or object.
  • (Transitive Verb) decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment or other object), by making a detailed drawing of it.

Next, Dr Tan taught about
4 Dimension of Design

Dr Tan show example of design product that not functional and cannot be used.

In conclusion, design is not about just art, but must meet the 4 dimension of design (aesthetic value, functional, economical and socio-political value)

Let's have look to invention surround us


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